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What To Expect

Join over a million people from 100 different religious groups in the charming village of El Rocío for a unique mix of faith and festivity. Held 50 days after Easter, this vibrant pilgrimage draws hundreds of thousands from across Spain and beyond, all converging on the shrine of La Blanca Paloma, just 17 kilometres from Almonte in Huelva province.Immerse yourself in this joyous celebration, where brotherhoods from Huelva, Seville, Cadiz, and other regions set off on traditional journeys – whether on horseback, by horse-drawn cart, or on foot in flamenco flair. The air resonates with flamenco music and the warmth of shared meals and dances by bonfires.Choose your path to El Rocío, each route filled with its own scenic beauty and historic tales, from the leafy Doñana National Park to the ancient roads from Almonte. The energy of El Rocío captivates with a bustling village setup, leading up to a grand procession and the dramatic 'salto de la verja' – a thrilling tradition where locals leap over the shrine's railings to honour the Virgin Mary with a vibrant parade.

What's included
Guide. Transport
know before you go
Know Before You Go

Take part in the famous El Rocío pilgrimage. Join pilgrims and religious groups from all over the world. See the vibrant parade and the daring 'salto de la verja' tradition

Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until a day in advance