Lesbos Greek Night with Dinner and Traditional Dance

Lesbos, Greece
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What To Expect

Let the spirit of Greece shine on this evening of authentic cultural experiences. Relax and soak up the unique atmosphere of Greek traditions with an indulgent dinner, complete with folk music, songs, dances, and a taste of local ouzo and wine. While you dine, enjoy a live dance show featuring performers in traditional Greek outfits. After dinner, get ready to join in the fun with interactive dances like Zorba's and the famous Syrtaki.

What to remember

Important info

  • Please note that all times are approximate and subject to change
  • Some entrance fees and optional extras are payable locally
  • Bring money for extras or gratuities
What's included
Transport. Live-music. Live-dancing. Welcome drink. Buffet. One free glass of ouzo or wine
know before you go
Know Before You Go

Enjoy an authentic Greek night in Lesbos. Tuck into local dishes such as moussaka, souzoukakia and tzatziki. Dance to the beat of traditional music, with dancers to teach you the moves

Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until a day in advance