Traditional Japanese Bento Cooking Class in Osaka

Japan, Osaka, Nishi Ward, Kitahorie, 1−17−20 Felista Horie, Osaka, Japan
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2h 30min
English, Japanese
Voucher type
What To Expect

Japanese bentō lunch boxes are famous for their beautiful arrangements and variety of flavors. These healthy and diverse boxes are both pleasing to the eyes and to your stomach. Learn to make a traditional and nutritional boxed lunch of Japanese dishes. Follow the instructor’s step-by-step guidance and make the perfect portable meal. Use fresh Japanese vegetables to make simmered squash and green veggies with sesame dressing. Learn the art of cooking meat in a Japanese way as you make ginger beef, grilled fish, and fried shrimp. Prepare special Japanese side dishes like dashi-maki omelet, miso soup, and onigiri rice balls. Then, put them all together arranged perfectly inside a box to eat whenever you like.The menu will include:- Simmered squash- Ginger beef in sweetened soy sauce- Green vegetables with sesame dressing- Grilled fish- Dashi-maki (omelet)- Deep-fried shrimp- Two types of onigiri rice balls- Miso soup- Fruit

What to remember

Important info

Not allowed:

  • children under 7

Know in advance:

  • please inform partner about any food allergies (information required at check-out) or dietary restrictions in advance (contact details in the info voucher you'll receive after booking)
What's included
Cooking class
What's not included
know before you go
Know Before You Go

Prepare your own Japanese lunch box with a cooking instructor. Choose from a variety of traditional dishes. Learn how to arrange a bentō aesthetically

Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until 3 days in advance
Meeting Point

Please come directly to this building and call 401 on the intercom.