Private Tour Museum of Anthropology and Chapultepec Castle.

Mexico City, Mexico
Free Cancellation. Read More
5h 30min
English, Spanish
Voucher type
What To Expect

Your tour begins in the morning where we will pick you up at your hotel in Mexico City, in a private vehicle only you and your companions.
Live the experience of visiting the only Colonial Castle in Latin America, Chapultepec Castle, which houses the most representative historical heritage of Mexico through times such as the Mexican Empire, Independence, the Porfiriato and the Revolution. Learn about the life of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg behind these rooms decorated with classical European ornamentation. At the time it was also the presidential house, the scene of battles between the Mexican army and the US army during the 19th century, great pages of history were written on its walls.
The National Museum of Anthropology is one of the most emblematic sites designed exclusively to house and exhibit the archaeological legacy of the peoples of Mesoamerica, as well as to account for the current ethnic diversity of the Mexican peoples and tribes.

What to remember

Important info

  • Not suitable for pets

  • No public transportation nearby

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Not wheelchair accessible

  • Pickup and Drop-off in the lobby of your Hotel or Airbnb

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Stroller or pram accessible

  • Infants must sit on laps

  • Infant seats available

What's included
Private transportation Air-conditioned vehicle Water bottles Museum tickets Bilingual guide
What's not included
* Food and drinks Lunch Tips
Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until a day in advance
México Tour Freelance