Private Tour: Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine

Mexico City, Mexico
Free Cancellation. Read More
Spanish, English
Voucher type
What To Expect

We will visit the archaeological site that gave rise to the myth of the creation of the universe, the stars and man, without a doubt it is Teotihuacán, mural paintings, religious buildings remains of the magnificence of the great archaic, multi-ethnic metropolis and the importance of offering to the gods human sacrifices to maintain the fragile balance of the elements and preserve our existence.
Your adventure begins in Tlatelolco, with a brief introduction to the three main periods of Mexican history.
Afterwards, explore Teotihuacán, “the place where the gods were born”.
At the end they will have lunch at a local restaurant in the area to eat a typical Mexican meal.
During 45 minutes and on the way back to Mexico City, you will visit the most visited religious Sanctuary in Mexico, La Basílica de Guadalupe, where religious devotion produces a phenomenon that will create a religious syncretism.

What to remember

Important info

  • Dark glasses

  • Cap

  • Blocker

  • Comfortable shoes

  • Children must be accompanied by an adult

  • Not suitable for pets

  • No public transportation nearby

  • Infants must not sit on laps

  • Not wheelchair accessible

  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers

  • Not recommended for people with heart conditions

  • Times are subject to change due to local traffic conditions.

  • Pick up of travelers is included
    Airbnb, Hoteles is Polanco,Condesa,Roma,Centro,Reforma,Santa Fe

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  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Stroller or pram accessible
  • Infant seats available
What's included
* Food and drinks Hotel pickup and drop-off Private guide Tickets Bottled water Private transportation Travel insurance
What's not included
* Tip or gratuity * Food and drinks Gratuities Soda/Pop
Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until a day in advance
México Tour Freelance