Muay Thai Boxing Tickets at Patong Boxing Stadium

Patong Boxing Stadium Sainamyen, Sainamyen Road, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket, Thailand, Phuket, Thailand
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What To Expect

Prepare to discover how highly revered 'Muay Thai' is in Thailand. This tour takes you to the biggest stadium in Southern Thailand to experience the spectacle and atmospher of 'Muay Thai' kickboxing.Muay Thai, is a traditional art of self-defense with a history going back hundreds of years. 'Muay Thai' is different from Western boxing in the diversity of offensive and defensive blows, thus making the art more taxing and challenging to the boxer. Moreover, cultural and psychological elements are added to 'Muay Thai', as the boxer has to perform a traditional “paying respect to the teachers” ritual, or Wai Khru ceremony, complete with rousing Thai music accompaniment. This whole mix of a unique form of martial arts and cultural elements is what makes for the fascination of 'Muay Thai' and explains its popularity worldwide.With several bouts during the evening, this will be a unique experience. Don't miss the chance to attend a real 'Muay Thai' at the biggest stadium in Southern Thailand.

What to remember

Important info

Not suitable for:

  • Wheelchair guests

Not allowed:

  • Children age (0-3)

Know in advance:

  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
What's included
Entrance fees
know before you go
Know Before You Go

Witness the ancient traditions of Muay Thai. Enjoy a great atmosphere generated by dedicated fans of the sport. Experience a match at the biggest stadium in southern Thailand

Cancellation Policy
can-cancel You can cancel your tour until 2 days in advance
IAsia Thailand
Meeting Point

Patong Boxing Stadium.