San Diego walking audio tour

San Diego, CA, Seattle, United States of America
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What To Expect

Embark on a journey through San Diego, considered the “birthplace of California," with this convenient walking audio tour! Explore a city famous for its near-perfect weather and miles and miles of pristine beaches at your own pace.San Diego is also a city steeped in history. From the frontier days of the Wild West to World War II to the thriving and diverse community of today, San Diego is an endlessly fascinating city. Time to explore it!

What to remember

Important info

  • After booking, you will receive an email with a direct download link to the tour mobile app. The app is available for download on App Store and Google
  • You will need a charged smartphone and headphones/earphones
  • This activity is recommended for guests at least 6 years old
  • The tour app is in English and works offline
What's included
Downloadable multimedia audio tour on the WeGoTrip app (in English). Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone. Offline functionality, audio narration, and written text explanations
What's not included
Personal guide — you will get the tour on the mobile app. Headphones/earphones — you should bring your own
know before you go
Know Before You Go

Walk around the heart of San Diego and see its famous landmarks. Learn about San Diego's proud history with the U.S. Navy. Explore at your own pace

Cancellation Policy
Unfortunately, our partner's policy does not allow us to refund, cancel or change this booking.
Meeting Point

The tour route will be indicated in the app.